Best of 2000: Best Exercisewalk With A Baby

Midtown/Mission Hills Area
3.2 Miles


Get a jogging stroller or a baby backpack and get ready to hike. Park on the west side of San Diego Avenue where it veers from India Street, across from the Mobil station (no meters on this side). Begin by walking north to Washington Street and cross to the east side of San Diego Avenue. Traverse Washington and head toward Old Town on San Diego Avenue. After a block and a half, the avenue bends left again and California Street forks off to the right. Start walking uphill on California Street (warning: this hill is steep). At the top of the hill, turn right on Henry Street and keep going uphill until you reach Alameda Terrace, where you'll turn left. Your uphill efforts are now rewarded with an easy level walk through a neighborhood most of us wish we could live in: Mission Hills. Turn right on Alameda Place and continue until you reach Sunset and turn right. Walk all the way to the merge with Fort Stockton and keep heading east on Fort Stockton until you reach Goldfinch Street. Turn right on Goldfinch, cross Washington and University and turn right on Sutter. Turn left on Kite Street and take it all the way to where it meets Upas Street, where you'll turn right. To keep the downhill gradual, turn left on Union and right on Thorn. Turn left on Columbia and right on Sassafras. Turn right on India and head back to your car.

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