What an aglet is

The plastic tip of your shoelace

What God named the tips of Norwegian shoelaces I couldn’t tell you. (Rick Geary)

Dear Matty-Matt Guru Man: Us constantly curious Norwegians would like to know what the God-given name for the little plastic thingy on the end of your shoelace is. The entire Tolo clan is anxiously waiting. I told them you’d definitely pull through for us. — Tolo #18 of the American Tolos


I’ve disappointed many people one at a time, but I don’t think I ever snubbed a whole clan simultaneously, though I’ll remember it as a handy time-management tip. If the Tolos worked a lot of crossword puzzles, they’d know the plastic thingy is an aglet or aiglet. That’s the Anglo mangling of the Old French word aguillette, “little needle.” What God named the tips of Norwegian shoelaces I couldn’t tell you.

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